Beginning June 11 SALT will open its pantry for residents of Wilson Co. from 9 am until noon on the second Saturday of each month. This will be in addition to our regularly scheduled food deliveries. The pantry will not open in months when a mobile food pantry is scheduled, but those needing food may receive it at the mobile food pantry. (See schedule below.)
While anyone in need may receive food, those wishing to receive the additional food offered through the USDA should bring the following information which will allow us to qualify them to receive it:
Monthly household income, or
Proof of receipt of one of the following benefits:
SNAP (food stamps)
Residence in public housing
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Families First
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Including the USDA food allows us frequently to provide additional food that we don't always otherwise have available such as dairy items, fresh fruits and vegetables, and meats.
2022 Open Pantry or Mobile Pantry Dates
June 11 (Open Pantry)
July 9 (Mobile Pantry)
August 13 (Open Pantry)
September 10 (Open Pantry)
October 15 (Mobile Pantry)
November 12 (Open Pantry)
December 10 (Open Pantry)
The SALT pantry is located at 7019 Hickory Ridge Rd., Lebanon behind the Leeville United Methodist Church. You may contact us at or 615-965-5361 (leave message). We are also on facebook (SALT Foodbox Ministry) and on