Who we are

The SALT Food Pantry is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assure that no senior in Wilson County goes without food. In 2014 a small group of SALT volunteers met to identify those in our community whose needs might not being met. We found that our seniors frequently have trouble affording food, having to choose between food, medication, utilities or other necessities. Our seniors also have problems grocery shopping because of a lack of transportation and health issues that keep them at home. Our solution was to both provide food and deliver it to them. Now a group of local churches and other service organizations deliver food twice monthly to over 150 households in our county.
If you would like to be part of that solution:
· Volunteer If you enjoy chatting with our seniors and can carry boxes weighing about 20-25 pounds, then we can put you on one of our delivery teams. We also can use volunteers to help us unload the monthly food order and stock the pantry shelves.
· Donate financially. Go to our "Donate" page to learn how.
· Sponsor a food drive in your workplace, school, church, Scout troop, or neighborhood.
· Facebook - like us on Facebook to stay informed about what's happening at SALT, urgent needs, volunteer opportunities, and community involvement. Share our page and posts with your friends to help spread the word!